WordPress vs Squarespace-ahomtech

WordPress vs Squarespace

Website is an essential aspect to provide a high rocketing momentum to any business, for the same we have two “content management systems” named as WordPress and Squarespace.

Let’s have some points for the difference of both the CMS:

Ease Of Use

For square space one does not require any coding skill to bang it up with a perfect solution. However, just drag and drop activities are enough to make the most out of it. But when compared with other tools like Wix or Weebly, it is not an easy task to come up with. On the other hand, WordPress is a powerful and flexible platform as their is no limits if you are confident with code. One can either invest a bit of amount to hire a developer, if not interested in technology to deal with. But it will not only raise the investment cost for the business but also provides a facility after costing around $100 for an hour.

Design Flexibility

Squarespace provides a high level of customizing ability and quality designs of any website builder. It includes clean, modern and professional designed templates, where one can choose the most suitable one, among all the variety of categories from online stores to fashion sites. One can easily manage the content as per the needs and can see all the changes in front by adding galleries, video background and many more. The built-in custom CSS editor provides us furthermore attractive and creative websites. Coming to the WordPress, coding provides the best control over the website. When compared, it may not be quite easy as Squarespace, where experts require to drag or drop the predefined templates or themes, but in WordPress, there are no limits on what you can change in the existing template since we can customize the same to our heart’s content.

Mobile Responsiveness

Nowadays, most of the traffic for any of the website comes from mobile users, keeping this in mind, mobile responsiveness is a great parameter for the success of any business. However, after

great effort, one never wants to have unstructured look at the device on which the site has been opened. Squarespace includes fully mobile optimized templates and being a latest CMS it contains a built-in template that automatically can emerge in a mobile view when opened on any of the devices. This feature of Squarespace calls to be the positive side as it assures us for great website looks on all the devices. Whereas on the opposite side, WordPress is slightly different because experts can choose the best one from thousands of themes or templates along with outdated or old ones which means that they may not have mobile optimization property. At present, 50% of the total traffic comes from mobile users, so it may results in a loss if the site is not framed with mobile responsiveness.


Talking about the cost one need to put in, Squarespace users will get a chance to have a free trial of 14 days before committing a plan, if the customer found something interesting you will require  to pay $12 per month. Technically as an open source platform, WordPress user only need to pay for a domain name, hosting or potentially for a theme on top. An overall user will have to invest $300 to $1000 to get a WordPress site running.

For both the “content management system,” there are certain scenarios where both the entities perfrom in a well defined manner as per the requirements.


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