latest web development

Latest Web Development Trends 2019

Web Development techniques are changing rapidly with the addition of each new technology on the list. Let us discuss the latest web development trends for the year 2019:

Artificial Intelligence:

An extensive core component of the excellent digital transformation strategy, Artificial Intelligence is growing at a blazing pace with the enhancement of modern ways to accomplish various tasks. For sure, the role of artificial intelligence will gain even more vogue in web developments than ever before. According to Gartner’s estimation, the total revenue of the Artificial Industry will have experience of a 70% giant leap increment by the end of this year. It has also been estimated that almost 50% of an organization in the world will adopt Artificial Intelligence for the enhancement in productivity and customer satisfaction. These factors and estimations are clearly indicating that Artificial Intelligence will emerge as a leading trend in web development in 2019.

Single Page Applications:

As the name itself signifies, single page application is basically a long webpage that is used to avoid intricate navigations and complex menus. As it provides a relatively easy way for the navigations making it looks poised to grow in popularity. Single-page applications increasingly warming their way into the heart of web users because of delivering the applications that include simplicity and speed with the ability to run the applications perfectly on both types of entities such as desktops and mobile devices.

Blockchain Technology:

A technology that is increasingly gaining wider use in various industries, based on peer to peer network of computers that stores data within a distributed ledger ensures that data will never get compromised. Blockchain technology is basically used for instantaneous authentication of massive transactions with streamlined management of supply chains. The popularity of the same can be easily observed as the giants including IBM, Microsoft and Amazon are all developing their own platforms for blockchain technology. Hence, it is not wrong to say that this technology will be a leading technology in the world of web development in 2019.

Enriched designs:

Functionality and simplicity have been a dominant trend for web design in recent years. As the requirement of more images, animations and shapes have been an increasing factor. So, to keep up with the growing demands for more vibrant designs, such designs come into phase with the most trending choice as well as the fulfillment of other aspects. However, the graphical contents are increasingly being used in place of text contents, so the growing demand for more extensive graphics by web users will continue to increase in 2019, and this will fulfill the needs of more captivating graphics as far as the requirements of web development is concerned.

Progressive Web Applications:

Progressive web applications, shortly termed as (PWAs) is a website that works almost like a native mobile app. Most of the brands that have adopted progressive web apps found it suitable and have experienced significant increments in their user engagements and conversion rates. Since such applications bring together and convey the best of websites and mobile applications, these are poised to remain one of the most leading trends in 2019.


In order to have a huge number of audiences, most of the brands are looking for websites that can be managed and displayed perfectly on various and wide range of smart devices. The main reason behind the same is to have more web users accessing the web through multiple mobile devices. However, a company always looks to have a great proportion of audiences in their niches by creating responsive websites for almost all the possible devices. Hence, for sure adaptability will be a key trend aspect of web development in 2019 and even in the coming years.


According to the survey of alert logic, some of the greatest concerns of IT professionals are data privacy infringement, confidentiality related breaches, and other data breaches. In the last few years, there has been a wide number of statistics for the organizations which are bracing up for an unprecedented wave of cyberattacks that will leave the working environments with various hazards. Hence, as a result, cybersecurity is poised to be a dominant trend in the coming future.

While web development trends are just a measure of changing the landscape of the current time-frame in terms of tools and technologies being used but it is very useful to know to keep up with the latest and secure solutions available in the market at any given time.

With all these leading trends, we can expect some more advanced technologies such as Voice User Interface, AR, and IoT for web development in the coming year. However, all the trending features are a mix of long-standing and emerging technologies, so that there can be more opportunities for web developers at various points on the learning curve. You can reach out to us at [email protected] any time as we are available round the clock, we will help you with all your queries and implement the best strategies for tapping into these trends and competition.

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