Squarespace vs October-ahomtech

Squarespace vs October

Nowadays, there are many options that can bring our business to the peak of conquest. Among all, one of the most prioritized factors on which the rating of our business depends is the selection of CMS. For such a case, we have two systems termed as Squarespace and October.


Talking about October, it is free, open source and self-hosted content management system based on PHP and Laravel web application framework. It supports MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL for database backend with a flat file database for front-end structure. While on the other hand, Squarespace provides software for the service of website building and hosting. Customers can also leverage many other features such as pre-built website templates with attractive drag and drop elements to create extensive web pages.


Squarespace is fast and reliable content management system with almost no downtime and lagging. With these extensive features, it also delivers the service uses cloud servers and can handle a decent amount of traffic. But Squarespace backend is not that much capable to take on huge sudden traffic, however, one will expect a performance drop if anyhow manage to get the website viral. On the other side, October has many quality features such as asset minifications where CSS and javascript files are combined and minified by the help of single tag in CMS template. It is a bit slow and requires plugins to bring it up to a reasonable level.

Ease Of Use

Talking about complexity, Squarespace is really simple and easy to use. It may not be the simplest website builder but firmly one of the best products of its type. Squarespace allows to upscale or downscale the site with new features. Inching towards October, it is also quite simple to deal with since one can easily use without searching it. In case of backend, there are various tabs for pages of each instance clearly identifying the purpose.


Squarespace provides a lot many features that can control the layout of the pages on a page by page basis, we can even switch our entire site and can mold it completely different look at any time without installing extras. By the help of October CMS, one can effortlessly create back-end interfaces for the plug-ins, as far as the flexibility of October CMS is concerned the existing power and flexibility is hidden behind a mask of extensive simplicity.

On observing both the systems we come to know that each one has particular pros and cons depending on the type of problem. So, for selecting the most suitable CMS, one must go with the qualities based on the situation required instead of choosing the name according to the brand or image in the market.

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